This data includes information on all work-related injury fatalities in Australia, explicitly excluding deaths resulting from diseases, natural causes and suicides. Data is initially collected as information from media reports (preliminary data), then finalised annually using information sourced from workers’ compensation data, fatality notifications to Australia’s WHS authorities and the National Coronial Information System (finalised data). The number of preliminary fatalities is usually less than the number of finalised fatalities due to new information coming to hand after the fatality occurs. Resources Traumatic Injury Fatalities - Explanatory Notes Data dictionary Traumatic Injury Fatalities - detailed data (XLSX) Preliminary fatalities - Interactive data Work-related fatalities - Interactive data Other metadataFieldInputTemporal coverage fromJanuary 2003Data last updated18 September 2024Update frequencyAnnualData limitationsThis data does not capture the following:Deaths due to natural causesDeaths due to complications of surgical and medical careDeaths of persons undertaking criminal activityCommuter fatalitiesSuicidePreliminary data often comes from initial media reports and is updated when we get more information from other sources. Therefore, the number of preliminary fatalities is usually less than the number of finalised fatalities.See the explanatory notes for further information.Publicly available data?Public data can be freely used under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International LicensePartial – see ‘Resources’ for available data otherwise request data.AuthorSafe Work Australia