Contact us

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Provide feedback

Your feedback helps us to improve this website. Please let us know what you found useful and where we could improve.

We'd love your feedback!

Tell us about your experience. It'll only take a few minutes and will help us make the Safe Work Australia Data Site better for you.

How was your experience on the SWA Data Website today?
What was the main reason for your visit to this site today?

A data request can be submitted via the request data form..

Please email if you require further information or assistance.

You may choose to remain anonymous. If you would like us to contact you about your feedback, please provide an email address in your response.

We will only use this email address to respond to your enquiry. Our collection, use and disclosure of your personal information is regulated by the Australian Privacy Principles.

Our privacy policy sets out further information about how we collect, use and disclose personal information and is available on our website.

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Find out more information about our data

Information about our data, including explanatory notes and data dictionaries, are available in our data collections.

If you have further questions about our data, email

Request data

See our data collections to understand the datasets and fields we hold.

We need some information from you before we action your request for data. We assess requests based on the 'Five Safes' Framework, as outlined in our Data Sharing Policy.

If you are from the media, contact

If you are a student, our published statistics provide a wide range of data that you can use. Due to resource constraints and the volume of requests that we receive, we do not respond to individual questions from students.

General enquiries

For general enquiries about Safe Work Australia, see the contact us page on our main site.