Reports and Snapshots

This category includes data reports and snapshots on specific topics chosen for investigation.

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Workplace and work-related violence and aggression in Australia report

Workplace violence and aggression is any incident where a person is abused, threatened or assaulted at the workplace or while they are working. These incidents can present as both psychosocial and physical hazards to workers and others and can harm the person they are directed at as well as anyone who witnesses the behaviour.

In this report, we examine the prevalence, causes and impacts of violence in Australian workplaces, to provide a deeper understanding of where there are opportunities for better risk management approaches to prevent workplace violence and aggression. 

Designing SMARTer work to reduce psychosocial risks: Evaluating the effectiveness of a participatory work-redesign intervention in aged care (2024)

This report outlines the results of a 2-year study which explored how to reduce psychosocial risks associated with increased job demands in the aged care sector. 

The research was undertaken in 2022-2023 by researchers at the Centre for Transformative Work Design at Curtin University and funded by Safe Work Australia through the grant initiative “Interventions to manage work-related psychosocial hazards”. 


WHS profile: electricians (2024)

Our WHS profiles explore the data behind specific occupations to help illustrate the nature of risks workers most frequently encounter while performing their duties. The profiles use our Beta Occupational Hazards Dataset and National Dataset for Compensation-based Statistics, alongside ABS Census data. 

In this first profile, we provide an overview of electricians in Australia and highlight the specific hazards they are exposed to through their work. These insights can help PCBUs and workers better understand and manage the risks of electrical work.  


Psychological health and safety in the workplace (2024)

Psychosocial hazards are those that may cause psychological harm (and may also cause physical harm). Workers exposed to psychosocial hazards in the workplace are at greater risk of developing a work-related psychological injury, and poorer mental health outcomes. 

Mental health conditions account for an increasing proportion of serious workers’ compensation claims, and have garnered significant attention over recent years as awareness of their impact on individuals and workplaces has grown.


WHS outcomes for apprentices and trainees (2023)

Apprenticeships and traineeships are types of formal training arrangements that combine work and study for a qualification in a trade or occupation.

The data presented in this snapshot focuses on work, health and safety outcomes for apprentices and trainees under 30 in the Construction and Manufacturing industries, as it is in these industries that the majority of work-related injuries or illnesses are occurring.


Returning to work during COVID-19 (2023)

This snapshot presents findings about the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on workers returning to work after an injury or illness.

It provides valuable insights for workers' compensation authorities and other key stakeholders about what it was like for workers making a return to work during the pandemic.

The snapshot is based on findings from the 2021 National Return to Work Survey, which asked 1,620 workers about their experience recovering from an injury and returning to work during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Historical Reports and Snapshots

The reports listed below were originally published on the Safe Work Australia website, prior to the development of the Interactive Data site. We have included them here for historical reference and context.

Psychosocial health and safety and bullying in Australian workplaces (6th edition) (2021)

The statement identifies data trends in accepted workers' compensation claims arising from mental stress, and specifically those arising from workplace bullying and harassment.

Psychosocial health refers to the physical, mental and social state of a person. The prevalence of mental stress, bullying and harassment provides a limited indicator of the psychosocial health and safety status of Australian workplaces.

The data presented in this statement are accepted workers' compensation claims caused by mental stress, that is, claims when the work-related injury or disease results from the person experiencing mental stress or being exposed to stressful situations.


Work-related musculoskeletal disorders in Australia (2019)

This report provides a detailed examination of the causes, impacts and prevention of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSD).

It outlines current knowledge of WMSD hazards and risk factors, statistics on incidence and impact, and a review of WMSD interventions in Australia and internationally.

The report was prepared by researchers from La Trobe University.


Measuring and reporting on work health and safety (2017)

Work health and safety (WHS) reporting needs to provide relevant, robust and timely information to inform decisions that influence ongoing business performance.

Poor WHS outcomes can have a detrimental impact on individuals and their families, on the financial, interpersonal and reputational health of a business and, potentially, on the wider community.

This report explores processes for gathering and communicating the WHS performance information that guides the WHS decisions of an organisation's officers. It is underpinned by four previous reports from the same author on the role of accounting in work health and safety governance.

The links below are reports originally published on the Safe Work Australia website, prior to the development of the Interactive Data site. We have included them here for historical reference and context.

Key work health and safety statistics 

Key work health and safety statistics are an overview of the latest national work-related deaths and workers’ compensation claims, including trends.  

We present data by industry, job, age group and sex. 

The reports include:

Traumatic injury fatalities 

The traumatic injury fatalities report has national statistics on all workers and bystanders who died from work-related injuries.  

This report does not include deaths from occupational diseases nor those that happen while commuting to or from work. 

The reports include:

Australian workers’ compensation statistics reports 

The Australian workers’ compensation statistics report has detailed workers’ compensation statistics and information, including: 

  • information on the causes of work-related injuries and diseases 
  • trends and statistics on time lost from work 
  • compensation paid. 

We present data by industry, job, age group and sex.  

The reports include:

Comparative performance monitoring 

The Comparative performance monitoring reports analyse trends across Australia and New Zealand in work health and safety (WHS) and workers’ compensation scheme performance. It includes:

  • comparisons of serious claim rates and work-related fatalities across jurisdictions 
  • information on WHS compliance and enforcement activities 
  • an overview of industry standardised average premium rates across jurisdictions
  • scenarios of entitlements under different workers’ compensation schemes
  • information on scheme funding arrangements across jurisdictions 
  • information on workers’ compensation disputes.

The reports include: