Insights from the Beta Occupational Hazards Dataset
This report introduces new experimental data about the nature of work undertaken in different occupations and explores the relative exposure of jobs to different types of hazards.
Read Insights from the Beta Occupational Hazards Dataset
The economic impact of work-related injuries and illnesses
We commissioned Deloitte Access Economics to explore the cost of workplace injury and illness in Australia. Using an innovative modelling approach, the study demonstrates how much value could be created within the Australian economy by removing work-related injury and illness.
Read Safer, healthier, wealthier: The economic value of reducing work-related injuries and illnesses.
Analysis of ABS work-related injuries survey data 2021-22
Safe Work Australia has published a new report on work-related injuries. The report compares survey data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics with SWA’s National dataset for compensation-based statistics and findings from our Safer, healthier, wealthier research.
Read Analysis of ABS work-related injuries survey data 2021-22.