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Term Definition

The Nature that is recorded refers to the most serious injury or disease sustained or suffered by the worker.

Nature refers to the 'Nature of Injury/Disease' coding structure as defined by the Type of Occurrence Classification System (TOOCS) 3rd Edition.

Bodily location

The Bodily location recorded refers to the part of the body affected by the most serious injury or disease.

Bodily location refers to the 'Bodily Location of Injury/Disease' coding structure as defined by the Type of Occurrence Classification System (TOOCS) 3rd Edition.


The Mechanism recorded identifies the overall action, exposure or event that best describes the circumstances that resulted in the most serious injury or disease.

Mechanism refers to the 'Mechanism of Incident' coding structure as defined by the Type of Occurrence Classification System (TOOCS) 3rd Edition.


The Agency recorded refers to the object, substance or circumstance directly involved in inflicting the injury or disease.

Agency refers to the 'Agency of Injury/Disease' coding structure as defined by the Type of Occurrence Classification System (TOOCS) 3rd Edition.

Breakdown agency

Breakdown agency is intended to identify the object, substance or circumstance that was principally involved in, or most closely associated with, the point at which things started to go wrong and which ultimately led to the most serious injury or disease.

Breakdown agency refers to the 'Agency on Injury/Disease' coding structure as defined by the Type of Occurrence Classification System (TOOCS) 3rd Edition.


Occupation refers to the type of job undertaken by a worker in the labour market and is recorded using the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO).


Industry refers to the range of economic activities undertaken by a business to product goods and services, and is recorded using the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification.


The number of workers' compensation claims, as submitted following a work-related injury or illness, and compiled in the National Dataset for Compensation Based Statistics (NDS).


Fatalities resulting from an injury sustained in the course of a work activity. Work-related fatalities (Fatalities) data are derived from the Work-related Traumatic Injury Fatalities Database (TIF)

All accepted claims

All accepted workers' compensation claims reflect the data compiled in the National Dataset for Compensation Based Statistics (NDS), with the limitations of:

  • Limited to 'Accepted' claims.
  • Excluding claims that fall outside jurisdiction scope of 'Australia'.
  • Excluding claims involving fatality.
  • Excluding claims with a specific duty status of 'Commuting/journey' or 'Away from work during recess period'.
Serious claims

'Serious claims' represent the circumstances where a claim involves one or more working weeks of time lost. Serious claims are a subset of all accepted claims.

Serious claims are the basis of reporting in Safe Work Australia analysis and data insights.

All other claims

'All other claims' represent a subset of 'All accepted claims', where the claims have resulted in less than one working week of time lost.

Claims frequency rate

The 'Claims frequency rate' is defined as the number of Claims per million hours worked, using estimates of the working population covered under workers' compensation schemes.

There are significant differences in the number of hours worked by different groups of workers, and workers at different points in time. The Claims frequency rate accounts for these differences and allows more accurate comparison between different groups of workers. 

Claims incidence rate

The 'Claims incidence rate' is defined as the number of Claims per thousand workers, using estimates of the working population covered under a workers' compensation scheme.

Fatalities rate

The 'Fatalities rate' is defined as the number of Fatalities per 100,000 workers, using estimates of the entire working population including Australian Defence Force (ADF) personnel.

Median compensation paid

The Median compensation paid for Claims is calculated using the sum of all compensation types paid for a work-related injury or illness and excludes Claims where zero compensation was paid. The median is the middle number when all data points are ordered.

Median compensation paid is not reported for the preliminary data reference period because some Claims remain open and may affect this calculation. Data for the most recent non-preliminary reporting period is used for reporting purposes in these instances. 

Workers Unless otherwise specified, 'Workers' refers to workforce estimates per the scope used in the National Data Set for Compensation Based Statistics (NDS). That is, total working population covered under workers' compensation schemes. These estimates have been provided by the ABS.

Represents the Claims made in the Commonwealth jurisdiction (Comcare) [excluding ACT government], including Claims made to the Seacare Authority (Seacare).


'(%)' represents the proportion of a data item category within the context of the information displayed in a chart or table.

(% of total)

'(% of total)' represents the proportion of a data item category compared to the total of the referenced data.

Financial year (FY)

The financial year associated with the date a workers' compensation claim was lodged with the relevant insurer, or a fatality resulting from an injury sustained in the course of a work activity.

Data dictionary

A collection of names, definitions, and attributes about the data captured in a database.


The incident involved a farm. For more information, see the data dictionary Work-related fatalities database | dataswa (safeworkaustralia).